自從 Louis 走左之後,佢既工作完全被我接收,佢之前聯絡開既 biz partners 全部都約見了。同呢班 biz partner 會面時,都有以下共通點︰
- 對我地公司既瞭解實在太少,所以需要我再詳述一次,攪到我好似一部錄音機咁。
- 佢地既服務範圍同方針同我地原先既要求有極大出入,需要重新 fine tune。
- 佢地都對 Louis 或多或少有 d 不滿,人去茶涼本是平常事,不過人人都好似鞭屍咁鞭,似乎 d 茶涼得快左 d 喎。
Nothing is special if you treat it as usual. Everything is possible if you treat it as special.
2 則留言:
first time here. Just saw that you are reading Mitch Albom. I read the first two, but not the newest one. I like "Tuesdays With Morrie" more, but "The Five People You will Meet in Heaven" is more touching.
Mitch Albom 既作品一本比一本好,一本比一本感人哩~