2007年7月16日 星期一


有讀過下性格學既人,都會知咩叫 MBTI。呢幾隻字係 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 既縮寫,係將人既性格分 4 個層面去分類,每一個層面有 2 種分野,加埋有 16 個配搭 (好在係加埋,唔係乘埋)。2年前有學過下,到而家都係流於皮毛階段。淨係要摸熟九型人格都唔容易,仲要學識辦認 16 種性格同埋佢地既特質、相互關係,都幾花心機。

早幾日心思思搵返本書出黎睇,唔睇由自可,一睇就不得了,因為睇睇下發現自己彷彿係冇學過一樣,要由零開始學起。最大鑊本書實在太學術勒,雖然作者盡量做到有趣味性,不過書中既理論都唔係單靠趣味可以掌握的。本書寫得好有心機,不過睇左頭幾個 chapter 已經一頭煙,連自己係咩 type 都未肯定,你話幾惡攪呢。


2 則留言:

野蠻郡主 提到...



匿名 提到...

Is it possible to identify a person's type from the time you have contact with him/her? I wonder.

I went through the 200ish 300 MBTI questions. Everyone I know was wide-eyed when I told them I am an I(ntrovert). I appear too much like an extrovert. So I wonder.

From the top of my head, Enneagrams' origin is from Islam instead of from Catholicism as you quoted earlier. Please check.

Awesome blog! Excellent contents! Like your reflections on work with real examples. I learn a lot from your blog. Keep it up!